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Aixam Mega商标设计,汽车Logo设计

Aixam Mega Logo PNG

Aixam Mega is a leading automobile manufacturer specializing in the production of microcars and electric vehicles. The company is owned by the Aixam Group, a French conglomerate known for its expertise in the automotive industry. Aixam Mega’s headquarters are located in Aix-les-Bains, France, where the company operates its state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities. With a strong focus on sustainable mobility solutions, Aixam Mega is committed to delivering innovative and environmentally-friendly vehicles to meet the evolving needs of urban transportation.

Meaning and history

Aixam Mega is a renowned French automobile manufacturer that was founded in 1983 by Jacques Gandon and Lionel Gottret. The company specializes in producing compact cars and utility vehicles, with a focus on electric and diesel-powered models. Aixam Mega has gained recognition for its innovative designs and commitment to sustainable mobility.

Over the years, Aixam Mega has achieved several notable milestones. In 1997, they introduced the first electric quadricycle, the Aixam Mega eCity, which contributed to the company’s reputation as a leader in electric vehicle technology. In 2001, Aixam Mega launched the Mega Multitruck, a versatile utility vehicle with a range of applications, including transportation and municipal services.

Currently, Aixam Mega continues to thrive in the automotive industry. The company has expanded its product lineup to include various electric and diesel-powered models, catering to different customer needs. With a focus on eco-friendly solutions and urban mobility, Aixam Mega remains at the forefront of the market, providing efficient and sustainable transportation options for consumers.

What is Aixam Mega?Aixam Mega is a French automobile manufacturer specializing in the production of compact cars and utility vehicles. They are known for their innovative designs and expertise in manufacturing electric and hybrid vehicles. Aixam Mega’s vehicles are popular for their compact size, eco-friendliness, and urban mobility solutions.

1993 – 2007

Despite being created at the end of the last century, this emblem has something futuristic and powerful about it. It is done as a dark blue round emblem that had shading to add interest and volume. A large “M” initial with “Mega” printed underneath using a bold, geometric font of a gray color with a white outline. The white and red border is a powerful detail that strengthens the solid position of the brand.

2007 – Today

The logo was redesigned in 2007. It preserved the previous concept, but the designers took the “Mega” part outside the round emblem. It was done in dark blue using almost the same font as in the previous version. The exception was the first letter that looked like a solid “M” initial. In addition, the letters were spaced very closely, so they touched at the very bottom. The initial on the round emblem was enlarged so the ends were slightly going behind the blue base. It had a polished, striking appearance. The logo was a perfect reflection of a company that strived to be at the forefront of modern innovations and trends.


“阿巴斯标志 PNG。


阿巴斯是一家意大利汽车制造公司,由前摩托车手卡洛·阿巴斯于 1949 年创立。阿巴斯主要以其与菲亚特的合作以及著名的菲亚特 500 阿巴斯车型而闻名。” 含义与历史 一次严重事故后,卡洛·阿巴斯放弃了他的摩托车梦想,成为了一名汽车设计师。1949 年,卡洛创造了该品牌著名的标志。他选择蝎子作为标志有



Y-3 是一个街头时尚品牌,由日本著名设计师 Yohji Yamamoto 和美国运动装传奇人物 Adidas 合作诞生。该品牌以其锐利的设计和可识别的细节而闻名。 意义和历史 该品牌的名字来自两个新兴品牌——“Y”来自 Yohji Yamamoto,“3”代表阿迪达斯的三线标志性图案。Y-3 是一



有时,该标志带有标语“智能技术,实现更智能的移动出行”。全大写 sans 中的标语位于文字商标下方。字符的颜色与刻度相同。 颜色 虽然法雷奥标志自 1980 年首次推出以来经历了修改,但它保留了绿色与白色霓虹灯的原始组合。当前的标志通过添加柔和的绿蓝色调使调色板更加多样化。此外,绿色似乎变得更浅了一

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